I can always remember that one fateful day in 2006, I was in Form 3, my family & I were holidaying in a longhouse place, somewhere in Negeri Sembilan I think. I remember passing longhouse after longhouse, as the longhouse owner, Miss Anne said we could pick out any unoccupied longhouse we want. My brothers & I stil children @ heart went exploring all the longhouses to find the biggest & cleanest one of them all. Hehe.
First timers to longhouses, we were just to tired to care & fell asleep on the spot the first night, as we had been jungle tracking the whole day. The next morning, we went on another excursion to see bat caves somewhere in the jungle. & I remember, we had to sit in Miss Anne's four-wheel drive jeep to get to the opening of the cave. Little did we know that later, on the way back, we had to be banduans, as there were no jeeps left to transport us back, only a very creaky lorry.Swt.
I remember we had to stand up @ the back of the lorry, like a bunch of jailbirds while the lorry jostled like mad through the narrow & bumpy road back to Miss Anne's longhouses. :O horrible experience, I can asuure you people. My hair was already caked with dust & grime from the bat cave, which was extremely sooty!!! So not the way to end my day!!!! 'Fortunately' the one cubicle showers had no water in them for us to bathe...horror of horrors!!!!! Miss Anne happily suggested we go bathe in the sparkly clear river water aka orang asli style. I didn't mind as long as I got cleaned up...hygiene freak rite?? I noe :) She obviously forgot to tell us that the river water was ice-cold!!! I know lah, usually rivers are cold...but this time I literally froze the minute i oh-so cleverly jumped into the water!!!!! I came up sputtering that it was c-c-cold!!!! So I took the fastest 5 minute shower u had ever seen!!!! I kid you not. I dumped all the shampoo n soap on myself so quick n yet I was shivering even when I toweled myself dry!!!!!
The next morning, some clever idiot...a French family that chose Miss Anne's as their ideal vacation destination, suggested we go 'have a look' @ the 'Rafflesia' flower, which according to Miss Anne was in full bloom now. So off we went into the jeep again while the 'ang mohs' decide to be thrilled by hitching a ride on the lorry. Oh well, suit yourself :P Neway, Dad sat up front with Miss Anne, & just as we were about to leave, the Frenchman,wife & their adorable toddler in tow ran up to Dad, mere seconds before he closed the jeep's door. The Frenchman, just thrust his to-die-for baby girl(she had the most gorgeous blue eyes & smile you have ever seen) into my dad's arms & asked if Dad would mind his baby for him while he stood on the lorry w his fam. Dad being Dad, immediately gestured to his seat & asked the Frenchman to take his place. The kindly man insisted he was more than comfortable(sure!) on the lorry. Dad then sed it would be his pleasure to help mind the 'darling' sweetie pie for him till they reached. I was sooo glad cause I loved the baby instantly & kept trying to play w her. Dad pulak, was in his element I guess, as he, like me, just adores kids...especially babies!!! He ss-ed then if I remembered correctly & said that the sweetheart was already melting in his arms!!!!! Swt. The girl was seriously the bomb man!!! Dahlah so adorable, she wasn't afraid of strangers carrying her @ all. In fact, she seemed to lap up all the attention we gave her...:)
I'm getting all emo now remembering her adorable-ness.