my favourite words when i'm nervous.

a great movie to scare you off drugs :)

my thoughts exactly.

haha, i wish.

loooove this pic :)

"I am the lone wolf." 'Wise' words of my brother.

cute lil angel

ting mama de hua :P
src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj12VXJeCfk6hDzGGENbwmDhqPBU7U-kdZqBr6hlRjrWhJj4pdOU2GRurK56kfgbKzNN12MQKpS339u5PSqCpFek0cudj6JZ1TChyqEgiQSltn9tatD3ocfY_EnnyVaITYehd1Fun6kJRKN/s320/th_6.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5202049184782686290" />*winks* yeah with food & movies :P
my current favourite status :P
src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEioiIPwP8FO95bmS7M26yarKoozN-NLA07SZbxDFppWyo6NSMSz5mG5w12HHCYPE08cE57KDGVuXwdJVzTzpJPU5SWpJanVlFo9gvWmuAWw3_Kyi4DE4H_fdu1fT9Xk8fcTbcuCBXWljJVs/s320/th_5.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5202048458933213250" />
anna paquin :)a beautiful & talented actress that I admire.
Exams so far have depressed me so. The
hardest so far was
Physics 2, which Puan Hadijah practically congratulated us for
screwing it up left,right and center for.
Next comes
Additional Maths, which
Mich made a
VERY wise decision by dropping it. Both papers were incredibly moronic & hard, n I can only hope that I get 20 marks & above for them. (Face it Den, you're done for. Mr Lee & my parents, oh gosh I very nearly peed in my pants at the thought of receiving the paper, much less show it to them, only to have to endure the lectures -.- )
Thirdly is the utterly dreadful History 2. One sentence to sum it up. Lucy is definitely jerut-ing my neck. That's what I wrote happened in answer to the describe Bilal bin Rabah's character. Its from Chap 4, Form 4.
Fourth in line is Bio 2. I know I will do waay better for this compared to the above papers but I'll be lucky to pass. Bio 3 was fairly easy for me. Moral, with the exception of the question where I just could not think of the
bekerjasama dalam pembangunan negara nilai, was good.BM was okay I reckon. Last minute studying paid off. Modern Maths was somewhere between horrible & okay. PE paper was...cool. Anyone answered
Steven Gerrard just for laughs?? :P
Eng was tougher but do-able. I liked my
Ah Peng story. Dangg, should have given it a title. EST was the only good subject in my opinion. & I know some people think I've lost my marbles, but hey give the woman a break. She's cool :) She gave the whole class one-on-one pointers during BM essay paper. You gotta admit, she deserves credit for that.
Oh gosh, I've been acting like a
cacing kepanasan for the entire weekend & today. Don't feel like studying, only did a few measly sums of Maths. Tried to open & read physics experiments but I just could not(and prolly would not?) do it. Walked up and down the stairs aimlessly in search of food, but when I got down, this silly blogger could not remember what I was looking for!!!! Though I texted Mich & felt guilty when she told me she was studying, I tak ada hati to study. Don't know why...today managed to understand in my own words
the ticker tape exp only. The rest I kept saying, ahh this is not important or, won't come out wan la, read for what? Lol. Kak kept staring at me, as if I belong in the loony bin. Haha. Should I go study?? YES. NO!!!! :P
PS I Love You was one heck of a great show. It so did not follow the book closely, instead it created its own story. Holly became an exquisite shoe designer. Daniel wanted to be Holly's new Gerry. Holly has no male siblings in the movie. Hilary Swank is somewhat girly. Holly's dad divorced her mum.
Over Her Dead Body was nice too. Hehe. I like Paul Rudd. & who can forget Gossip Girl. Su Ann and I have happily watched til the middle of episode three for now from the season 1 dvd. Will cont after exams. Martian Child got me all teary eyed, towards the end. I never liked Joan Cusack.
Blair aka Leighton Meester has the sophisticated type of prettiness. Without makeup, Blair is nothing.
Serena aka Blake Lively has the simple,down-to-earth type of prettiness. She looks pretty without even trying.
Jenny aka Taylor Momsen is classy and elegant. That's what makes her pretty.
Gotta move. Bye peeps!