Hey, this is me being random again.
I absolutely adore children,especially toddlers. My patience levels goes beyond its natural point when I'm around them :) Listening to their rants over & over again is never a chore for me and I'll just be genuinely interested in whatever they're trying to tell me. I'm at my craziest around them, my donkey-ness really shows itself then. You'll see me pulling silly faces,downright gay poses & even 'layaning' their lamest jokes. Call me crazy but yeah, I'm a real drama queen around kids :P
I am planning on taking up
child psychology next year in college. Yes, yes I know to most of you it sounds boring but I love the nature of the job in itself. Problems concerning children will be one of the main things I'll be dealing with, may it be problems about trauma,abuse,joy,family,romance or just plain ol' drama-filled rantings.
Even I am guilty of the perception that children are whiny,bratty & annoying because their born to be that way at that age. But actually, most of them lack attention. A simple gesture like a hug or a kiss(on the cheek) does wonders for them as they feel loved and acknowledged. I
love putting smiles on their faces when I acknowledge them. I know its bad, but I spoil my younger cousins to know end by giving them sweets in between meals and letting them win at almost everything.