Whoa,its been a month since I last blogged, sry :P
The good news is, I've got loads to blog about now!!! So sit tight & read,read away..
Trials was just over last friday, and as I told Mich,its like I took a week's vacation from studying..3 pages of Sejarah since Tuesday till now is bad..anyway, here's the 411 of my trials :
Languages,BM & English - did well, but not up to my own standards, especially English :(
Maths - paper 1 was good, paper 2 was a screwup :S
Add Maths - Mr Lee,Pn Chew,Mom & Dad are going to skin me alive!
EST-paper 1 was good,paper 2 was tough-.-
Sejarah-kill me now..
Biology-I'm only partially happy for paper 3
Physics-went to the dogs...
Moral-the aktas! pfft!!
Exams,to me, is like the physics concept
MOMENTUM. Whenever any exam,especially major ones like SPM draws near,my studying hours knows no boundaries and I notice that I'm less cranky & tired eventhough my sleep has been deprived.
This all goes well till the day the exam finishes..*chang chang chang* swt. Unfortunately after exams,its all downhill from there...:(
I often feel sluggish and many a time find excuses to not open revision books. My overall studying momentum decreases and I can just stare at one page for hours on end,but nothing goes in. The worst part is I can't even remember how long I 'studied' for when the 'rents ask me later -.- I mean, of course I feel envious of friends who score straight A'sand strive to be like them but exams are almost always an uphill battle for me.
Truth be told, I can persevere most things,except studying. The irony of it all is I want to major in
psychology next year, a mugging course, I know :) I hope to become a child psychologist someday :) I think I'll spare u guys the lecture on how I looove kids, but yeah I really do :) & besides languages, I have to be good in Biology...better get down to business,eh?
Ok, that's all for the first post.