Meet Heidi Louise Sinclair :D
oh hello! :)
Super special thanks to
kiran, for drawing her face for meee :) Thank you God that she's survived three nights at home without any injuries whatsoever. I'm her mom till Friday, as part of my Families project. If she doesn't pop till then, I get 10 marks of the project on the spot! :DDD
Mr. Plouffe, my Families lecturer, who mum agrees is hott, lol, gave us this assignment last Friday to let us experience a little of what its like for our parents to take care of us when we were younger. I definitely (x100000) want to be a mommy of a 'rainbow' family one day, but to answer Mr. P's question, not right now, Sir!!!
They say, college makes you more outgoing and you learn to come out of your shell more. Please, God, help me be more outgoing & more vocal. I don't know why I'm even quieter in college than I was in high school. Its not that I don't know what to talk about, in fact, striking up random conversations with new people comes easily to me....but I just...ugh, I don't know. To alot of you, u'll find it hard to believe that I'm not comfortable being quiet, but I can assure you, I'm really NOT comfortable with it. I can see that it builds a barrier around me, making people nervous/scared to approach much less strike up a conversation with me. To those of you guys in CIMP who have persevered & seen a little of the real me, I thankyouverymuch :)
Thanks, Melissa Jefferies, for giving me the great advice on how to be more outgoing, as u can see, I haven't worked on it yet, but believe me, I'm trying :)
Thanks, Naquiah Malik, for being your adorable/oh-so-gila-friendly & bubbly/warm self that I love hanging out with you, although we are not that close :D I hope we will get to know each other more though, hehe :) Yay to us, cause we have the same shoe size, lol *inside joke* AND Naquiah, u are fashionable lahh okay, I love how ur hair can seem unruly yet neat at the same time. I don't think I'm making sense, :P thats a fashion statement in itself :)
Thanks Shaikh (*makes the clearing of throat sound) Ali, for your never-ending jokes & quirky antics that always makes me laugh until I get a migraine. LOL. Malaysians should be more like the Iranians, always laughing and are cheerful and easy-going people, even when they're mad :P I will always remember you jumping off the cafeteria's balcony just to prove that ur not a coward who is scared of accepting dares, and your insanely gross yet humorous(he was laughing non-stop throughout the re-telling of the story) story of your roommate!!!!
Thanks Kiran, for being my closest friend in college, my advice-giver & personal walking dictionary on most things, from politics to existentialism :) thanks for not looking down on me even when I have my occasional blonde moments -.- lol.
Thanks, Albeiti for being so easy to talk to in Families & on msn :)
Thanks, Tebelelo Makati, Tebby for being so friendly and fun to be around :) I love hearing her squeals of delight/horror when she sees something she likes/unpleasant!!! LOL.
Thanks Siew Mei & Aylin, for helping me out alot with the MDM project though we still managed 2 screw up. Oh well -.-
Thanks Sean, for not turning out the way I thought you would :)
Updates: Friday, May 15 - ENG4U final exam (1st half)
May 19 - Swahili funeral presentation for Families
May 21 - Families final test before final exam
May 22 - MDM4U final exam
May 25 - ENG4U final exam (2nd half)
May 28 - Families final exam
Whoever said
CIMP was
easy is so
wrong!!! Its
definitely more fun than most courses as we have theme days & sometimes our homework is to just watch a movie on a topic, but definitely not any easier, u guys may have more studying to do than us, but we have tons more projects & assignments to do than u guys, as 70% of our marks comes from it & only 30% of the marks comes from the final exam. I've come to learn that no matter how smart you think you are at choosing the 'lighter' subjects, u'll still be as busy as those who take on the heavier subjects because the lecturers will constantly have you bogged down by work. But still, the projects we do, especially in Families is fun, fun, fun :) I still can't stand math though -.- I have enjoyed my fruitful 5 months in CIMP & don't regret taking up this course over AUSMAT :) & if u have
spontaneous teachers like Mr. Plouffe, u'll definitely be in for one helluva class packed with emo & crazy moments alike.
ok, gtg, tmr there is an math quiz which I haven't studied for! bah, humbug.