
Sept 27 1991
ro-com & Gossip Girl addict
loves surprises
music,books,food & movies is <3
blake lively's biggest fan

chocolate lover
people I call friends
Yee Won
Mun Yee
Click Network

Gift of Gab

What i've been through
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
September 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010
April 2010
September 2010

pictures: one
brushes: one two
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designer: sweet_surrender
others: blogger blogskins

Sunday, September 27, 2009

This is for you, my two best friends. The people I can tell my soul to, who can relate to me like no other, who I can laugh with to no extent, who I can cry to when times are tough, who can help me with the problems of my life. Never have you guys turned your back on me or told me I wasn’t good enough or let me down. I don’t think you know what that means to me. You have gone through so much pain and you still have time for me and I love you for listening even when you’re dying inside. And I look up to you because you’re strong, and caring, and beautiful, even though you don’t think you are. And I hope you know that I’m always here to listen to you laugh and cry and help in all the ways that I can, and I will try to be at least half the friend you are to me. I hope you know I would not be the person I am today without you, my best friend. Thanks for being the friends who’s always believed in me, who’s always understood, who’s always accepted me, who’s always cared.

Happy birthday to me! :)

till next time,denise ;
Sunday, September 27, 2009;

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Zipper dress from Goss:ps Boutique that I love =D

Nice leh?

Katherine Heigl's newly adopted Korean girl, Naleigh :)

Aloha! Yes yes, long time no see I take it?

Okay, so I lied about not blogging because I was busy. I was and even now, still having writer's block and feeling lazy to update the fantasy world I call my blog xD
So what, u gonna shoot me?! Hell no, rite? :)

Been doing the usuals, assignments, college and even managed to squeeze in a mini-holiday to Pulau Perhentian in Terengganu(photos are on fb).

Just bought tickets to Beyonce's "I Am Sasha Fierce" World Tour!!! :)excited to see her and her crew of dancers perform at the outdoor Bukit Jalil National Stadium in PJ on Oct 25, at 8pm.....will definitely start late due to Msian timing -.- Fyi, I bought the RM93 ticket lah of course, will prolly have to bring binoculars there to see her performing live when I get bored of staring at the huge-ass TVs they put up for people at the back at any concert.

Hmm, I Love You Beth Cooper was stupid, to me. Final Destination 4 was gory to the max, though the main couple was hott!!!! Shantel Van Santen = purdyy!Google her! Want to watch Where Got Ghost?, The Ugly Truth & The Orphan so badly laa!!!

I so DO NOT KNOW what I want for my 18th bd & have no clue where I want to have dinner with the girls at!!! Help?!?! So very sad ze oldest gal pal, Chan Su Ann wont be joining us as she'll be at a church camp. I'll miss ur company, my dear :(

Its so funny how in the past when I was a kid, my stomach would churn and get queasy like an old prude if I ter-watch a romance movie/scene or even read a romantic comedy. I still vividly remember ze cousin, Evie saying at one point a couple of years back that henceforth, she would only read romance novels. I remember shaking my head and silently wondering how anyone could like sappy old romantic stuff, be it books or movies. LOL. The irony of it now is, I have come to appreciate such books & movies, and although I will watch and read any genre under the sun (except fantasy,sci-fi & politics), I find myself being more appealed by romantic comedies/romance novels & romantic comedy movies. To date, I have read 10 out of the 14/15 my current fave author, Nicholas Sparks' acclaimed romance novels, all of which were impossible to put down!!!! =D So whaddya say, game to give his books a try? I highly recommend it! :)

& oh, fyi, Gossip Girl Season 3 is out! Can u visualize my ear-to-ear smile?!?! lol. Only the students of Constance and the Upper East Side gang can get away with wearing what they wear :P

I am detemined to adopt an 'ang-moh' child in the future if, God forbid, I end up marrying an Asian dude. LOL. But seriously, I plan to adopt in the future too :) Just me being random, so don't wonder & gawk too much at my wondrous ability to make u stare at the computer screen and go "Uh, why is Denise suddenly giving out TMI, and being totally random?!"

& ohhh, here I go again, did I mention how funny although impossibly crude British actor, Russell Brand can be?!?! Lol. His thick Brit accent makes his conversations a scream to watch!!! Dunno who he is, google lah! xD

Okay, serious this time. I gotta go.

till next time,denise ;
Thursday, September 24, 2009;